• Nomadic Life, Month Five (and Four and Three)

    Nomadic Life posts are personal recaps of what life is really like when you live like a moving target. From personal challenges and triumphs to upcoming travel plans, here’s an insider look into my life out of a…

  • Work With Me

    Travel is never done just one way. Sometimes we go solo, sometimes we go on a tour. Sometimes it’s a quick weekend get-away and sometimes it’s a round-the-world trip of discovery and adventure. Whether it’s exploring medieval…

  • 30 Countries in 30 Years

    There are birthdays and then there are BIRTHDAYS. And I’ve had some good birthdays. There was the year we threw an international spy themed party and I wore a fascinator. There was the year Boyfriend took me…

  • The View from the Amtrak Adirondack Line

    It’s my one year blog-iversary here on The Wayfarer’s Book! That went by really fast. There have been lots of adventures, uncountable donuts, and more pictures of the New York skyline than probably any of you have ever…

  • A Budget Day Trip to Philadelphia

    I had never really even thought about Philadelphia until my friends started complaining about it. They had been sent there by work for a couple months last summer as soon as the weather in New York got…