• How I Spent a Perfect Weekend in Barcelona

    One of the charming ideas of living in Europe is that you’re able at any moment to just impulse buy a bus/train/plane ticket and be transported to a different country for the weekend. You can go from…

  • Why I’m Moving to Kiev to Teach English

    On February 26, 2016, I boarded a midnight plane flying direct to Kiev. I had scored an amazing $300 ticket, one way to the city that would launch the European part of my nomadic life. The plane…

  • 9 Ways I Changed Living in Serbia

    My decision to spend over a month living in Serbia this summer was completely random. I had no expectations, just a prayer that I would find a cute coffee shop. While it wasn’t without its challenges, Serbia was…

  • Am I Stupid because I’m NOT Scared to Travel?

    The longer I blog and the further I travel, the more I get involved in the digital communities that support weirdos travelers like me. It’s a great way to share tips and have travel discussions with like-minded…

  • 11 Favorite Moments in Southeast Asia

    It started snowing here again in Kiev, despite the fact that it’s April and yesterday I was sure we had finally broken upon spring. Nope, today it’s back to hot mulled wine and cold feet. It made…

  • Nomadic Life, Month Five (and Four and Three)

    Nomadic Life posts are personal recaps of what life is really like when you live like a moving target. From personal challenges and triumphs to upcoming travel plans, here’s an insider look into my life out of a…

  • Nomadic Life, Month One: Singapore

    Nomadic Life posts are more personal recaps of what life is really like when you live like a moving target. From personal challenges and triumphs to upcoming travel plans, here’s an insider look into my life out…